Founded by Guy Garraghan & Dennis Jackson in 1999, WRIP Radio has been the go-to source for local information and great entertainment. Beginning on the Mountaintop at 97.9 FM, they now reach listeners across Greene County at 97.5 FM in the valley towns, and 103.7 in the river towns. The long-trusted voices of Jay Fink (President & General Manager) and beloved Morning Guy Joe Loverro are like family to our local business owners and community organizations – promoting and live-broadcasting from events across the county, and keeping their listeners up-to-date on the latest happenings and local news.
Originally from Long Island, Jay Fink is WRIP’s President and General Manager who has been a part of the WRIP family since its debut in 1999. Prior to working with the station, Jay worked or consulted at radio stations in Connecticut and Massachusetts. He is proud to be a full-time Mountaintop resident and is active with many organizations in the community, including the Greene County Chamber of Commerce and the Windham Rotary Club. Jay also spent over a dozen years in the music business before returning to broadcasting.
Joe fell into the radio business a while back in Philadelphia where he worked at WIFI 92.5. Following his Philadelphia career, he headed to stations in Albany, Atlantic City, San Jose, CA, Burlington, VT, Augusta, ME, and many more before settling down with WRIP 97.9. Joe is the proud recipient of the T. Patrick Meehan Community Service Award from the Community of Windham Foundation.
While Jay & Joe are the anchors of the station, other great on-air personalities include: John Harper, Bill Jacquemin, and Kelly Green, as well as an ever-evolving roster of guest hosts.
The station’s main broadcast antenna sits atop Cave Mountain (home to the Windham Mountain Club Ski Resort) at some 3,100 feet above sea level. With repeaters in Durham & Catskill, WRIP covers all of Greene County. The station has been essential, not only to local advertisers, but to residents and visitors -especially during emergency situations. WRIP proved to be a life-line when they kept broadcasting all through the devastation of Hurricane Irene in 2011, and throughout the COVID restrictions of 2020.
If you’re listening during the holiday season, you’ll here the Buy In Greene holiday jingle in heavy rotation. Produced by the Music Technology students of Greenville High School (under the direction of Jon Meredith) and the Buy In Greene creative team, each year’s jingle is based on a well-known holiday tune, with the lyrics suiting the ‘buy local’ message.
WRIP can also be streamed at https://streamdb8web.securenetsystems.net/cirruscontent/WRIP& so you can listen anywhere you have an internet connection.
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